I love these experiments by Portland photographer Caleb Charland. Looking for alternative ways to power his lights, he makes use of some odd and unexpected sources to generate electricity. Such as coins, vinegar and fruit. Colossal explains his passionate work ethic on the apples photograph.
"The apple photograph above involved a nearly 11-hour setup as he carefully hammered 300 zinc-coated galvanized nails into apples (zinc reacts with acid in the apples creating electricity, science!) and used copper wiring to transfer the current to a standard living room lamp. Even then, the light was so dim it required a 4-hour exposure during which Charland fended off ravenous deer through the night with an impromptu shaker made from a tin can and wire nuts."
So a little more complicated than Benjamin Franklin standing with a kite on a stormy night but like Ben Franklin they do raise questions about electricity. Maybe there's a little environmental message snuck in there about alternative energy. All I need is an orchard in my backyard and I'd be sweet.