My Father would wholeheartedly agree with this little quote. We grew up swimming and surfing on hot summer afternoons after the school bell had rung. It wouldn't matter what your ailment, his answer would always be, 'You need to swim in the ocean'. Usually this was true, although often it was the last thing you felt like doing. Diving into saltwater does seem to clear the mind. Water and it's healing properties is not new. Throughout literature there are references to the healing properties of water, the famous cathartic scene of King Lear in the storm, for example.
We are 60% water so it stands to reason that we have a connection with it. Appparently you can even make your drinking water 'Hado' by wrapping positive messages around your water bottle. Talking to it also has a positive effect. Saying things such as 'you rock' and 'your freakin' awesome' can make your water,well, happy. Who doesn't want happy water? According to Mindbridge:
'... water is capable of understanding, assimilating and adjusting to the language of feelings. Our bodies are largely water, so it stands to reason that if our feelings affect a glass or jar of water nearby, they certainly have an effect on the water within us and thus our own health.'
I'm not sure chatting to my water over breakfast is for me but I do think a swim in the ocean can go a step towards working out what ail's you. If you'd like this print on your wall go to Society 6 or if your after delving further into water conversations check out MindBridge.