The new Ad campaign for Australian tourism launched in June this year, shows little comprasion to the Lara Bingle campaign of 2010. It is possibly a little pretensious and showcases some of Australia's most expensive destinations however you can't help being swept up a little in the grandeuar of the scenery. The melodic track accompanying the ad certainly helps to inspire a sense of national pride and again is a sucessful element to their marketing campaign. The song was composed by a singer/songwriter and viola instrumentalist, Dewayne Everettsmith and Jasmine Beams as they travelled Australia. Actually several musical duo's, who seemingly didn't know each other before the campaign, were sponsered to travel and write music in this way and this piece, 'It's Like Love', was choosen. You can watch their stories in little documentary style pieces on the website. You can review their marketing strategy here.
Here is the making of their little travel promo;