I'm always on the look out for new books to adorn my shelves. I have been building my little library since I was a teenager. Two books that I would like to slide into my bookshelf, are 'The Exquisite book' and 'Drawn in'. Although these days most of my books end up being pulled out and thrown on the floor by my curious 10 month old, I'm willing to risk it.
The first is based on the Exquisite Corpse drawing game. One hundred indie artists having only seen the page of the artist immediately prior and using a single horizon line to connect the two, draws a page of the book.
The second is a exploration through various artists journals and how they use them. As a teacher the process of making stuff, fascinates me. Each of us finds our road to get to where we need to go. This is tricky in teaching as we often have to end up at the same place but need to get there on our own.