A powerful ad for the Canadian Paralympic Comimitte and a great example of the 'long take'. I really love a good long take. This ad goes for a minute and is beautifully crafted to allow the viewer to experience the fluidity of the long take or one shot. Arguably one of the greatest examples of this type of shot is the film 'Russian Ark'. The film runs for 95 minutes and is one shot. I saw it years ago at a cinema in Paddington and I remember feeling light and floaty after seeing it. It was shot in a musuem in St Petersburg and the mise-en-scene is rich and lavish. The steady cam operator must have been some kind of olympian, as although the film was shot in three takes, two were in the first 20 minutes. Thats alot of time wandering in the Tsars realm. Oh now that I'm started where do I stop, there are so many great long takes. A very purposeful long take is Orson Welles a 'Touch of evil'. The shot starts with a bomb being placed in the trunk of a car. Which we follow through most of the shot, great tension. I'll stop now.